Collective agreements also include decisions on working time and overtime pay. Trade Union Pro`s collective agreements include, for example, agreements on shift work differences, travel allowances, sick pay, maternity leave benefits, leave pay and child care benefits. Membership rates and membership are not the only elements to assess the influence and legitimacy of trade union and employer organizations. Indeed, these rates are closely linked to the tariff system itself and often reflect long-term historical patterns. However, they remain good substitutes for measuring the ability of unions and employers to represent a large base of workers and businesses, or, conversely, a small part of them. In practice, beyond representation, the voice is also expressed by organizing direct exchanges between workers and managers in the workplace (for example.B. through regular town hall meetings and/or direct consultations in this report, called “direct voice.”52 An essential difference between direct and representative forms of voice is legal protection and rights related to the status of workers` representatives, in particular protection from reprisals and dismissals, as well as information and consultation rights. Therefore, direct and representative forms of voice are not a substitute. However, this distinction is useful in understanding differences in communication and differences in communication between workers and managers between OECD countries (or not).53 In Denmark, the fundamental principle is that trade unions have the right to enter into collective agreements with employers and employers` organisations. Unions can take different types of collective action to reach an agreement with an employer. You can also see it as a foreign employer with people who have been deployed to Denmark. Only one in three OECD workers has wages agreed upon through collective bargaining.
The 36-member Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has become a strong supporter of collective bargaining to ensure that falling unemployment also leads to higher wages. [17] 2. In particular, legal acts to promote the creation of workers` organizations under the regime of employers or employers` organizations or to support workers` organizations financially or otherwise in order to place these organizations under the control of employers or employers` organizations are considered interventions within the meaning of this article.