If you are negotiating an easement for your land, you should be aware of the pipeline operator`s guidelines for the use and construction of land in the vicinity of natural gas pipelines and equipment. In general, landowners are prohibited from installing structures, storing anything that could be an obstacle, or planting trees or shrubs within the priority. Unauthorized construction or planting in the pipeline priority is considered a priority. Normal gardening and farming activities are generally acceptable. However, they should never dig or build anything inside the easement without a pipeline representative first marking the pipeline, specifying the priority, and explaining the company`s construction guidelines. No! It is the responsibility of the landowner to be aware of easements or rights of way that may restrict land use. The holder of the easement or right of way may possibly veto future development and the use of the buildings may be limited, even if they are not on the specific land designated as easement or priority. Before building or applying for a development permit, landowners should check the Certificate of Land Ownership to verify easements or rights of way and related restrictions. It is the responsibility of the landowner to know. A landowner must contact the Alberta One-Call at 1-800-242-3447 or the holder of the easement or right of way prior to any construction activity to determine the location of the underground facilities.